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According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC ), hate groups are at an all time high. Since 2008, there are now 926 known active Hate Groups in the United States. However, supposedly none in Alaska and Hawaii.
Fueled by a failing economy,immigration fears and President Barack Obama's successful campaign. (He is also the President of the insane as well as the sane ) Nonetheless watch your back on all avenues!
Also according to the SPLC's latest report, groups are: neo-Nazis, white nationalist, neo-Confederates, skinheads and others, and have grown by 54% since 2000.
How does your state fare with these groups ?
See for yourself at :
And check it out for yourself ! What made you think they ever liked you ?
While you're at it, check out BUSH COUNTRY ! (TEXAS )
Posted By: Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
Tuesday, March 31st 2009 at 11:30AM
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...While you're at it, check out BUSH COUNTRY ! (TEXAS )...

I can only imagine what their tract record is especially with Barbara Bush's comment when the people from New Orleans were being diverted to Texas. It is a shame that all this rubbish is happening in 2009. Let's keep watching and praying.

Tuesday, March 31st 2009 at 12:42PM
Jen Fad
For Real Sister ! You ain't never lied !
Tuesday, March 31st 2009 at 1:05PM
Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
This does not surprise me and I agree with Brother Maxwell. In fact I have told everyone who listens that with Barack being president we all would suffer. Think about how many high profile officer shootings that has occured most in daylight with witnesses (baseball players son on his own parking lot and Oscar Grant). Plus the slight policy changes. I know here in Chicago they suspended all foreclosures for a while because it appeared as if companies were trying to clear their books before obama's stimuls was take affect. Of course most were people of color.
Tuesday, March 31st 2009 at 3:20PM
crystal smith
Of course !
Tuesday, March 31st 2009 at 3:47PM
Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
Lol !
Tuesday, March 31st 2009 at 7:26PM
Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
This is so.. right Goddess !
They wlll have a hard time getting to him, but we are easy small targets.
If something starts happening with us and on our behalf, this can be a distraction for him and they know this.
We have got to look out for each other.
Home Grown Terrorist are the worse, they're already at home !
Our men need to get busier than ever before !
Wednesday, April 1st 2009 at 10:26AM
Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D. lata!
Wednesday, April 1st 2009 at 12:15PM
Marta Fernandez
Thanks Goddess Irma !
Fear has always been used as a mechanism to control the masses for gain and power.
And, it is because of fear that these groups exist. Live by the sword, die by it.
The kkk has always been threatened by the anilation of their genetics, and the survival of it could only be acheived by united, continuous offensive attack by the global white minority. This organized attack is now at least 2000 years old. It is the greed and strivings for domination. Therefore, genetic inadequacy has always been their greatest fear.The proof is in the pudding, the intent of racist programming has been achieved on a variety of levels concerning "Black America". Via "white Supremacy.
Saturday, April 4th 2009 at 11:06AM
Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
Does this in any way mean that we in America now KNOW that we have homegrown "TERRORIST" even if under a nother name...Hate Group???????!!!!!????
Thursday, April 10th 2014 at 6:47PM
I will repeat here what I have said before about my reactiion when I first learned about those ropes hanging from that White Only tree in that Jena La. school yard. I was so relieved that there was not the body of one of our people hanging on the end of those ropes, those ropes did not bother me so much.

I also repeat, "is it now becoming known that we have home grown terrorist"?

This has a lot to do with what those like me, born before the Civil Rights movement, actually meant when we said so tearfully, shocked and happy,kkept saying"I never thought I would live to see this day" that President Obama not just won this election, but was even in the race as a serious candidate...

WE HAVE COME A LONG lets get busy -yesterday-watching our president's back!!!!!(smile)
Thursday, April 10th 2014 at 6:47PM
Here is more food for thought. the original home grown terrorist were the KKK and as back then when they were first formed to harrass the slaves they were as now doing the work of the Christian White man's Holy Bible and directly from the words of God.

I can not right now remember the original name of the KKK, but I do know they were formed to cause fear in the slaves on their way to visit or returning from visiting their family members at night. Night was the only 'free' time the slaves had and because of the fears of a family member fighting back if you harmed a member of the slave's family especially the mother, slaves were not allowed on the same plantation.

The purpose of the KKK was to put a stop to this visiting of slaves with their familys. Oh the slave master took very seriously the resistiance of the slaves and just how out numbered they were after the first slave revolution started by a slave called Nat Turnerand this is what started this practice.we have a proud history of BLACK IN AMERICA, but you will never learn about any of it on CNN!!!

You see it is false that there were "Happy God fearing slaves as they nerve were able to over come the freedoms in the Mother land, of and this Black revolution is in truth what led to the Civil War as the KKK mithod only mad the slaves more determined to resist and the fear began to grown over the numbers of slaves begining to act as a Black bloc, much like how Barack Obama and JFK were able to get into the White house. As JFK was not seen as a Christian but under the control of the POPE and a Threat to America(??) see where I am coming from about BLACK IN AMERICA?????? And, why I am so proud that I know things like this...(smile)
Thursday, April 10th 2014 at 6:47PM
Dora, sorry but I do get carried away trying to talk about our Black history that our own government has been keeping away from us that was all of this time in the basement of the Library of congress while we were feed so much by them. It worked so great on us that we stop listening to our oral history as not worthy to be passed on as before.thank you for allowing me to speak M.G. and thank you Dora(I have a family member named Dora) which is a beautiful and rare name.
Thursday, April 10th 2014 at 6:47PM
This is alright Dora, but it is now more important that BLACK IN AMERICA begin to own being slaves by saying that is was Chetal salvery. And, eventhough we were the only race of peoples ever to suffer this form of slavery(slavery from birth to death)WE SURVIVED.

And as the contratitory letter from bishop Tutu to President Obama said, "FROM SLAVERY TO LEADER OF THE MOST POWERFUL NATION ON THE PLANET.


Most of all please remember that President Barack Hussein Obama is a first generation African.Please make a part of 'Change" we survived slavery.OK my children of this generation who voted on mass(smile)Thi s was made possiable by way of BLACK IN AMERICA, being taught from an African-centered education and why you only are learning about us far and beyond a CNN media special...
Thursday, April 10th 2014 at 6:47PM
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