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COSTCO Has new Black Baby Doll on Shelf, It's Name ? " LIL MONKEY" ! (16170 hits)

Do you believe this? They have officially lost my business. Pass this to as
many people you can. We will not go backwards, but continue to press
forward. In this day and age, racism and ugly stereotypes continue to rear its ugly
head. The recent Gates case, the Boston police officer calling Gates a
"banana eating jungle monkey", and others are strong examples.
Racism and negative stereotypical portrayals of African Americans Comes in
many forms.

John Taylor and his wife, Donna who live in North Carolina , recently went in
to COSTCO in Greensboro and could not believe what they saw perched on the
shelf for sale. As the photos show, the baby doll is being hugged by a
monkey and the doll has a cap on its head that says " lil ' monkey" !They have lodged
complaints with the COSTCO

Corporate HQS and while their efforts succeeded in getting the doll
pulled from the Greensboro store, the doll is still on sale in Winston
Salem and likely in other locations. These dolls are in insult to us all and
need to be pulled from all COSTCO stores or wherever they are being sold.
COSTCO also owes their Customers an apology. I hope you are as outraged as I
am and if so, call COSTCO HQs and demand that this product be removed from their shelves
without delay. It is the "Cuddle Baby" product #404860 and the corporate
headquarters number is 800-7742678.

Please feel free to spread the word to your networks to contact COSTCO and
demand they stop selling this doll.
We need more than just a neighborhood watch on things !
Posted By: Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
Wednesday, October 21st 2009 at 11:11AM
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I know right! A lady I used to work with sent that exaxt same email to me so I went on line to verify and it looks like the company who makes the doll has changed the doll to the Pretty Panda doll like it's white counter part.

Doc you're alright with me, because I posted the info to a blog just as you did to keep our people informed. (((smiles))) This is what sites like this are make knowledge power. Check the link below to see the new version of the doll, but one thing I don't get is why is the mocha doll less expensive than the white version? They are the exact same dolls except in color. Anyway the doll is affordable just in time for Christmas so I can't complain. Thanks for the Blog information. To see the new version of the doll, click link:

Wednesday, October 21st 2009 at 12:35PM
Jen Fad
Thanks Jen !
We are ON IT !
A tactic perceived, is no tactic !
They don't never stop with their hateful ways !
We need to call them out on everything we see that's not right.
Each and every time !
Wednesday, October 21st 2009 at 12:54PM
Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
Yes we are!
Friday, October 23rd 2009 at 2:38PM
Jen Fad
LaDonna, Jen's blog contains the company apology where the say they did not intend any insult. As I also posted there, I always called my kids little monkeys because that is how they act. And on the playgrounds we have something called monkey bars. If the white doll was called little monkey nothing bad would have been perceived. Are we sure this is about racism rather than just about kids?

Friday, October 23rd 2009 at 6:13PM
Steve Williams
Brother Steve,
Lets flip this:
I produce a doll called little Cracker, she comes complete with her own trailer. I also throw in some pretend food stamp vouchers for her and some white bread and bologna.
But lets say that she's a replica of her nationality and country of a people we made slaves to us in this country,
would there be any recourse ?
Would they try and shut me down ?
They might even try to kill me behind it !
Production of her wouldn't get off the assembly line.
Nowadays racism is suttle but still effectively it exist.
My kids acted like little monkeys too, but I didn't embed in them that this was indeed what they were !
Self images that our children perceive is important, and should be at all times.
Too long we have been called or characterized as something other than what we were.
Kings and Queens of this planet !
Saturday, October 24th 2009 at 12:24AM
Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
An apology was in order, especially to everything we've been subjected to.
Is there any wonder why we're sensitive?
Saturday, October 24th 2009 at 12:28AM
Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
What gets me the most is that when ignorance like this is put in the forefront for all to see, that standard line is always said : We are truly sorry and never intended to offend anyone or something along those lines. I'm more like: People please, unless one has been living under a rock all these hundreds of years, it is impossible to think no one would be offended. So spare me with your lame and clearly insincere apology. They also changed the name of the doll to the same as the white counterpart.

I'm truly starting to wonder if this is and the many other companies that are using such blatant ignorance, are doing so as a marketing strategy . Think about it. The object is to get as many people as possible to see the product.
Saturday, October 24th 2009 at 1:04AM
Marquerite Burgess
I don't quite see the point of associating the dolls with animals. What is a pretty panda anyway? And I've never had to buy a doll as I never had a little girl. Bottom line is if it's perceived as racist then it is.
Saturday, October 24th 2009 at 5:19AM
Steve Williams
Correct !
Usually if it swimming around in a pond, eats small fish, bears the name "Donald", chances is it is what it is !
Especially if its quackin ! Lol !
What amazes me is..... No other race would've gone this long without reparation.( I really need me and my people's money, and I need it NOW !!! LOL !
So if we start making noise about anything whatsoever, we certainly have "Just cause" to.
And you're right Marquerite!
It's all about the almighty dollar! Very good point !
Traffic is.... about marketing and sales.
One can't imagine how many people came to the stores just to take a gandar and while there had to buy something.
Let's not even talk about the black dolls that were on shelves years ago.
They were the ugliest, black nappy headed dolls that you could ever imagine. You couldn't even comb their hair!
But they became the most favorite dolls among a little white girls collection. ( wonder why!)
Now they are worth plenty!
Now isn't that something ?
What little girl doesn't want her baby to be beautiful ?
Your baby is suppose to be a reflection of yourself.
But a monkey ?
They have no problem associating us with that particular animal.
We really don't want me to go into who's realative that really is.
To flat out say it wouldn't make me too much different then the ones who put certain things out there like that.
But I'm not one to be messed with either, cause I'll call you a monkey and a devil too !
Now that's keepin it real ! Lol !

Saturday, October 24th 2009 at 2:46PM
Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
Well said. I like your style.
Keep on Keepin' On Sistah Minister
Saturday, January 2nd 2010 at 10:37AM
Sakinah Thompson
Thanks Sis!
Im a tough cookie, and know it! LOL!
They messin with the wrong one when they mess with me.
They need to not get it twisted by my appearance, WRONG!
We need strong sisters, shy, cute don't cut it with me! Lol!
It's time we stepped up to the plate,or move out the way and get back in the kitchen.
The killin part is: We don't know how powerful we are if we could work together collectively and stop being greedy and think somebody is trying to take something from us!
Ain't none of us got nothin, nothin but ourselves!
Saturday, January 2nd 2010 at 11:34AM
Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
Oh yes maam...You are preaching to the choir! Somewhere down the road while trotting throught the last 100 years we lost the Unity. We stopped genuinely Caring about one another. I want to get that back so bad there is a burning in my heart. As I look around me I see us going in many different directions to help various organizations but never to collectively support a single African American Community Organization. Pioneering is not always fun, not even for the strong sisters. Everyone gets tired sometimes... Racism is a disease that there is no cure for except Jesus. It is Always just around the corner ready to rear its ugly head! Whether it's a baby doll or workplace slander implying that you can not wear an MLK shirt on MLK Jr. Birthday it will be around as long as we are. Until we come to the realization that We Ain't got nothin but one another the future is dismal.
Sunday, January 3rd 2010 at 7:43PM
Sakinah Thompson
I'm so feeling you on this Sister!
This is why our Org., Goddesses Blessing Goddesses are pioneers and they don't even see us coming! All these so-called Negros can keep on doing what they've been doing.... sleeeping! It's a new day and there's a new consciousness that is and will take place in the minds of many. Even as we speak.
The mind set that was maliciously forced upon us made us the product of people we are today. WE WERE MADE TO HATE EACH OTHER!
Want the truth? That's exactly what happened!( Willie Lynch )
We became savages to each other, thats what happens when you steal a people from their zones and make slaves out of them.
But something spectacular happened!
We prayed to our God! And we prayed hard!
God answered our prayers and made us a people unlike none other on the planet.
God gave us victory in so... many ways.
But then there comes a time when you have prayed and prayed and after lifting your head to the sky in asking God WHY, ... need to GET UP, move on faith and TAKE ACTION.
We know, ( you and I ) faith without works is DEAD!
Most of our people are dead asleep!
We can't ask God to order our steps if we are too lazy, hateful or afraid to move our feet!
So along comes a minister like me, that is like no other, that has a baseball bat! Lol !

Sunday, January 3rd 2010 at 9:19PM
Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
Yes they are asleep. And to keep them comfortably snuggly in that immovable state they just classify us as "Radicals". Somethimes I think my face will turn blue before I get them (church folk included)to understand that the only thing "Radical" about me is my Faith! But then, here again, if they don't understand Faith then they will never understand me. I walk by Faith, I think and live by Faith!!
Their philosophy seems to always be - As long as it doesn't interfere with MY life i.e. MY Job, Money, House etc. then WHY should I care if a doll is being sold as long as I am not going to buy it? This is the type of intellect you are dealing with. This is what is causing the moral decay in our communities. M.M.Bethune and all the many who pressed their way so that we could have an EDUCATION and we close that door every opportunity we get. Why go to college when I still may not be able to get a job? Instead of equipping ourselves, seeing it as a tool that we CAN somehow use. They had a hunger, a passion that we just don't have. I think back and wonder myself How did they do it?
Monday, January 4th 2010 at 10:06AM
Sakinah Thompson
They did it through the grace of God Sister! Thats how!
They also knew that this was our ticket out of here!
Those who have seized the knowledge know this, ( Mostly our young women ), will hold the keys to the kingdom. ( we already know where our thug-mamas baby-daddy, never had a daddy are! dead or in jail, most of them anyway), so it won't be through them that we'll get to the "Promise Land".
The young women I'm speaking of have been looking for guidance from us like we looked for it from our sisters back in the day.
There was a time they wouldn't even tell us our slips were showing. Mainly out of jealousy.
That has changed somewhat and we are beginning to embrace them with the knowledge "SOME" have. ( notice I said SOME )!
But you see sis, that old school mentality is a dying breed, organizations like: Negro women this or Naacp or Colored People this, had their day!
What did they do?
What did they do that was highly profound?
I'm not trying to sound ungrateful here but....., Really, what have they done in a big, big way?
Could they have gotten together a bought General Motors?
Out of all these mega churches, there shouldn't be one black person in America hungary considering the tides we've paid throughout generations.
You know why this is?
So much so that they are stuck on stupid and locked on dumb!
Some have the nerve to be mad at Obama and is not doing a doggone thing themselves!
Don't let me get started, I'm gonna talk about EVERYBODY!! LOL!

Monday, January 4th 2010 at 10:46AM
Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
That's ALLLright...Our people need a WAKE UP call! Believe me...I agree with you there! I have been explaining why I will not join the NAACP for a long time now. Where I live Hispanics dominate and EVERY ONE else is the minority. The NAACP here is really inactive almost non-existent. I do go out to support their events and when I do the topic is something that I've already done research on and have the same data as them. I actually had even written an essay and submitted it to my church so I brought it to my Pastor's attention and he said "Yes, it's good to know what the problem is, but the question is what are we going to do about it?" funny b/c he holds an office with the local NAACP.
Don't talk about MEGA CHURCHES: I am always preaching "TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN FIRST" but nooooooo We need to feed the hungry Africans(African Americans aren't African enough?)
rescue the young Asian women from prostitution(our young ladies on the street b/c they are fatherless) we know why (need programs to build up our men and RAISE UP A NEW GENERATION - one that is not institutionalized)
I understand that there are hungry people in other countries who have compounded problems(filthy water etc.) but have we not heard "CLEAN UP YOUR OWN BACKYARD"
Homelessness(build shelters)
Hunger(soup kitchens)
Job layoffs(buy franchises and employ/As you said JOIN together and BUYOUT & Hire our people)
We need to ORCHESTRATE A WHOLE WAY OF LIFE to bring people out of these type of situations. To protect the African American Family. It is an institutionalized mentality. We need a NEW INSTITUTION with:

JOBS for our men so they can be the Kings
Affordable Housing for African Americans built in new neighborhoods outside the Ghetto so our children won't suffer from SOCIAL/MORAL decay
CLEAN UP the neighborhoods.*take back the neighborhoods* drug dealers off the corners!
The problem as I see it is that no one wants to get their hands dirty(I've spoken on this one also) Everybody want to stay so "CLEAN"...
Equal Opportunity is equal where I live only if you are HISPANIC. HOW is it that they are coming over here (ilegally)have more authority than us. The government has shafted African Americans again. There really is no Border Patrol/Immigration Enforcement...
Obama...I'm not mad at him yet..>I will wait til 2012:)
I'll stop....I will not respond again. It is just nice to know that I am not alone!
Monday, January 4th 2010 at 2:15PM
Sakinah Thompson
I know Sister, I feel you on every single level!
You are absolutely right!
We are and have been the front-runners forever, and now we have only begun to finally be in a position of change. Like you said no one wants to get their hands dirty.
The only loophole we have is Mama! And she needs some serious fixin!
We believe if we can get through to her the whole family can be healed and could benefit. This work I'm talking about is going to take a lot and is going to be a tough nut to crack. But our women are strong ( the strongest on the planet, given what she's been through), enough of us have had it up to our necks with this bull. But again, has no where to turn to, who really cares?
Most mamas need tough love from tough mamas!
You see if we wait on others, we'll be waiting and I'm not impressed with none of them.
Actually our work is bigger than Obamas! He has his agenda, it's a lot and it's a mess!
A big part of it all is.... cleaning up our own back yard like you said.
Wish it could be a Qualified, Bontified Blackman but he's either scared, ( to get killed), is an educated fool woman-hater or got an earring on and into the down-low.
We're gonna need the strongest Black Woman on the planet!
Thats who I'm bankin on, soon as I see her, I'll know who she is! LOL!
Wow! It's been great talkin with you!
We are not alone, there are a lot of us that feel like we do!

Monday, January 4th 2010 at 3:47PM
Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
You’re an idiot! This isn’t racist until people like you make it racist. You don’t want others to stereotype but it’s the first thing
Thursday, October 28th 2021 at 5:39PM
Rick Adams
You’re an idiot! This isn’t racist until people like you make it racist. You don’t want others to stereotype but it’s the first thing “you” do when you walked into Costco and saw this. Did you even stop to see that it is also made wit a Caucasian doll also? If the co
Thursday, October 28th 2021 at 5:41PM
Rick Adams
You’re an idiot! This isn’t racist until people like you make it racist. You don’t want others to stereotype but it’s the first thing “you” do when you walked into Costco and saw this. Did you even stop to see that it is also made wit a Caucasian doll also? If the company had only made it in
Thursday, October 28th 2021 at 5:41PM
Rick Adams
You’re an idiot! This isn’t racist until people like you make it racist. You don’t want others to stereotype but it’s the first thing “you” do when you walked into Costco and saw this. Did you even stop to see that it is also made wit a Caucasian doll also? If the company had only made it in”white” in fear of being politically incorrect someone would complain that it is not offered in “black” and blamed the company for being racist, so they build one in every color to be fair and equal but it is still racist. I say we pass a law to stop all racism….. make all dolls green regardless. If it is a doll, action figure, stuffed pony doesn’t matter, it has to be green.
Thursday, October 28th 2021 at 5:47PM
Rick Adams
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