Living with a debilitated disease could be quite frustrating especially when you are told “There is no cure!” While many struggle with the fact that many diseases are incurable, others turn to both conventional and alternative remedies in order to find a way to control their disease.
Schizophrenia is the disease that will be the main focus of this article ---- how to control it in order to improve ones life while dealing with this disease of the brain. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder which is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain just like most mental diseases. Carriers of this disease are usually delusional, have hallucinations, hear voices and as well have very violent behavior and thoughts. Although studies show that there is no cure for schizophrenia, there are many ways to control it by way of practicing a proper diet. Whether you go to a practitioner or a conventional doctor there are many ways to help deal with this sickness.
Schizophrenia is not a medical problem but it is a behavioral problem and one must understand it’s symptoms in order to be diagnosed---according to the professionals of Patrick B. Harris Psychiatric Hospital Department of mental health. Each person who is dealing with this disease have either all or some of the symptoms which are as follows:
Schizophrenia symptoms include
1. A lack of motivation
2. Scattered thinking
3. Paranoia
4. Bizarre behavior
5.Poor concentration
6. Confused thinking
7. Easily distracted
8. Hear voices
9. Depression
There are solutions to controlling such behaviors but one has to understand their position in order to control this disease and get better. And---because schizophrenia is a brain disorder/disease which makes a person act, think and see the world from a delusional perspective one must not be in denial of the control that it can have over it‘s host. From a professional stance I will give you the real reasoning of implementing nature and conventional medicine together in order to control your problem. The solutions are as follows:
Schizophrenia solutions entail
1. Contacting a doctor if you have any of the above symptoms in order to be diagnosed
2. Once diagnosed ask your doctor to help solve/control the disease
3. Contact a local practitioner/dietitian as well to help you with your diet in order to help control the disease
4. Research the disease in order to find the best solution for you.
5. Work on practicing good eating habits in order to help balance the body and brain
Good eating habits to deal with schizophrenia
1. Try a gluten free diet
2. Eat lots of colorful vegetables
3. Eat fish at least 2 to 3 times a week to boost your omega 3
4. Stay away from diary products
5. Stay away from bleached sugar and flour (alternatives would be agave, honey, or organic cane.)
6. Eat Flax seeds and/or pumpkin seeds
7. Use Olive oil for all of your cooking, stay away from hydrogenated oils
8. Plenty of anti-oxidants are needed
9. Vitamin B3,6, and 12 are very important along with large doses of folic acid
Now that you know how to eat with the disease find out where it comes from. A study credited to Dr. Michel Mazaide of the American Journal of Genetics state that schizophrenia is hereditary so it is important to communicate with you Dr. and as well family members in order to find out if you are genetically connected to this disease. The study says, “Those who have a third degree relative with schizophrenia are twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those in the general public, and those who are second degree relatives have a several-fold higher incidence of schizophrenia than the general population, and first degree relatives have an incidence of schizophrenia an order of magnitude higher than the general populace.” So as you see it is very important to immediately contact a doctor if you have any symptoms that may connect you to this brain disorder/disease.
For more information about schizophrenia and it’s symptoms contact you local Dr. and/or Practitioner in order to be evaluated. Also here are a list of websites and books that will give you information about schizophrenia and what is needed to control this disease.
2. 3. 4. Diet And Schizophrenia: The Link Is More Important Than You Think
by: Richard Zwolinski, LMHC, CASAC & C.R. Zwolinski
5.Surviving Schizophrenia: A Manual for Families, Patients, and Providers by E. Fuller Torrey
6. Recovered, Not Cured: A Journey Through Schizophrenia by Richard McLean
Posted By: Talibah Bakhit
Tuesday, August 13th 2013 at 12:39AM
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