In the contemporary world that we live in full of hustle and bustle most people just sleep away the stress and hope to wake-up to a brighter day. However with depression being connected to stress and one of the leading causes of death in America, one has to discover new ways to relieve their stress in order to continue to work in a professional manner. It’s a known fact that work, family, bills, and stress are connected on all levels and medical professionals are constantly working hard on research to find a release for the inner pain of stress. With that being said, the food that we put into our bodies play a major role in our daily lives. And if your life is the outline/bluepint of a fast food chain, those chains within you will began to rust and give up with out engaging in a proper diet. As fruits and vegetables have always been the answer when it comes to the American Food And Drug Administration---Americans have one major question---“Which fruits and vegetables are good for what? In this article you will find an answer for one of the most important fruits on the food chain.
Bananas are most important when it comes to stress. They contain the natural sugars sucrose, fructose, glucose, and fiber. While experimenting and doing research surprisingly---medical professionals have found that bananas are stress relievers---According to medical evidence ”Two bananas a day will take the stress away---bananas are stress healers.” Wake up in the morning to two bananas and feel them work with nature. The color is bright yellow like the sun, it’s natural sweetness provides a delicious taste to cereal, toast or with a cup of tea or coffee. Bananas are not just healers of stress but they also cure morning sickness, protect against kidneys disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, blindness and protects against muscle cramps. These are only some of the contributions of the banana. The important ingredient in the banana is tryptophan which turns into serotonin. According to the Farlex medical dictionary serotonin is a neurotransmitter which is found in humans and animals that has many physiologic properties including stimulation of smooth muscles, inhibition of gastric secretion, and production of vasoconstriction.
Bananas are also contributions to soothing the pain of premenstrual syndrome for women and they also protect you from reduce swelling, type II diabetes, aid weight loss,
your nervous system, heart attacks and strokes, and the producing of white blood cells.
Whether it’s eating the banana or using it on your hair as a moisturizer or on your face to remove wrinkles and give you a fine finish, the banana goes beyond the limits of nature and could be used for just about anything soothing.
For more about the banana and it’s natural works log on to:
http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionar... 2. 3. Bananas: How the United Fruit Company Shaped the World by Peter Chapman
4. Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World by Dan Koeppel
Posted By: Talibah Bakhit
Tuesday, August 13th 2013 at 8:27PM
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