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The Beautiful Expressions Of Wines Health Benefits (2373 hits)

Wine has always been a controversial subject when it comes to it’s inner genius of helping to heal it’s indulger. But the controversy comes from the question---”Does wine really have health benefits?” Well---the answer is, yes wine does really have health benefits. From the most bitter to the sweetest wine, the expression of bitter sweetness has great rewards. Known for it’s antioxidants/flavonoids, and reveratrol , wine has very discreet ways of helping to heal one’s mind and body.

According to the medical experts at Medical Plus, antioxidants are molecules that protect the cells from free radicals, and the effect of the antioxidants inhibits oxidation from other molecules. While resveratrol is a compound, a trihydroxy stilbene derivative that is found in some plants which are primarily known as pigments from flowers, producing the colors yellow, red and blue. Reveratrol is found in fruits like grapes and pomegranates. This is where another controversial questions comes in--- “Does red or white wine have the most health benefits?” The fact is both wines have health benefits, however red wine is known to have more health benefits due to it’s dark pigmentation, and the amount of flavonoids that reside in each bottle.
See Yale New Haven Hospital report at

In a study done by Harvard School of Public Health, research shows that moderate drinkers suffering from high blood pressure are 30% less likely to have a heart attack than non-drinkers of wine. This research observation explains that the natural components that are incorporated into each bottle of wine have tremendous health benefits.

Take a look at all of the wonderful health benefits that you will receive as an indulger.

Health Benefits Of Antioxidants In Wine

1. Anti-Aging Components
2. Cancer Prevention
3. Alzheimer's Prevention
4. Cleans free radicals out of your blood stream
5. Protects skin from sun damage
6. Prevents Cataracts
7. Prevents Immune Dysfunction
8. Prevents Cognitive Impairment
9. Prevents Cardiovascular Disease
10. Helps protect blood vessels from rupturing
11. Prevents excessive inflammation throughout your body
12. Helps protect against obesity and diabetes

Health Benefits Of Resveratrol In Wine

1. Has anti-aging components
2. Has antiviral and inflammatory properties
3. Rids plaque in the brain
4. Reduces bad chlosterol and blood clots
5. Acts as an antimutagen
6. Helps prevent Alzheimer’s
7. Gets rid of diabetes symptoms
8. Prevents several kinds of cancers
9. Protects against cardiovascular disease
10. Protects the heart
11. Helps to extend life

These are only some of the benefits, and while doing research you will find many more.
For more information about the health benefits of wine logo on to:

Books On The Health Benefits of Wine

The Wine-Lover's Healthy Weight Loss Plan
Your Good Health: The Medicinal Benefits of Wine Drinking
Resveratrol: Unleashing the Benefits of Red Wine
Eat Chocolate, Drink Wine and Be Lean and Healthy
A Guide to Medicinal History and the Effects of Wine on Health

Posted By: Talibah Bakhit
Thursday, August 15th 2013 at 11:25AM
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