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Naturally Curing Acid Reflux (2868 hits)

Acid reflux which is also known as gastro-oesophageal reflux or GERD is the regurgitation of gastric acids. The gastric acids rises to the esophagus due to a block in the stomach valve which makes the esophagus faulty. According to medical professionals acid reflux occurs when the acid pocket is above the diaphragm not below the diaphragm. It is normal for small amounts of gastric juices to move from the stomach back in to the esophagus but when large amounts of gastric juices move back into the esophagus this is where you have developed GERD. It is a very painful experience that could lead to major health problems such a cancer of the esophagus if not treated. The pain is so severe one may believe that they are having a heart attack during this irritating process. In this article I will explain to you how to get rid of acid reflux and what foods to stay away from so that you never have to deal with the pain of gastro-oesophageal reflux.

Acid reflux is caused by eating and drinking major amounts of acidic products that can not properly digest. The acids of your stomach flow back up into your esophagus causing major discomfort. Studies show that 1 out of 10 people suffer from acid reflux everyday due to a poor diet. However the symptoms are more common in heavy drinkers, smokers, pregnant women and those who suffer from obesity. According to the medical authorities of Harvard School of Medicine, 19 million Americans have a chronic case of gastro-esophageal reflux disease without knowing the cause.

Causes of Acid Reflux

1. Eating large amounts of acidic foods
2. Drinking large amounts of acidic/carbonated drinks
3. Eating large amounts of food and lying down
4. Obesity
5. Eating Fast
6. Smoking
7. Certain blood pressure medications and muscle relaxers
8. Fried Foods
9. Eating close to bedtime
10. Poor posture
11. Rapid weight gain
12. Some pregnant women
13. Wearing tight clothing
14. Eating too much

The symptoms of acid reflux could be quite alarming and unbearable without proper care. According to the medical professionals of Mayoclinic when the symptoms of heartburn occur more that twice a week and interfere with your life style it is important to get in contact with a medical professional as soon as possible so that acid reflux doesn’t lead to other major health problems.

Symptoms of Acid Reflux

1. Severe Heartburn
2. Bloating
3. Constant Burping
4. Constant Hiccups
5. Black or bloody stool
6. Bloody Vomit
7. Regurgitation
8. Dysphagia: havinga difficult time swallowing
9. Sour taste in your mouth
10. Sore throat
11. Constant coughing for no reason
12. Burning/sharp pain in your chest/esophagus area
13. Upper abdominal pain
14. Dyspepsia: impaired digestion

Natural Ways To Relieve Acid Reflux

1. Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar
2. Garlic
3. Alkaline Water
4. Avoid Acidic Foods
5. Don’t Smoke
6. Chew Gum
7. Avoid tight clothing and tight belts
8. Stay away from large heavy meals
9. Lose weight
10. Drink Carrot Juice
11. Drink Cabbage Juice
12. Eat licorice root extract
13. Take acid-resistant digestive enzymes
14. Take calcium nitrate powder
15. Drink aloe vera juice
16. Take sodium bicarbonate
17. Glutamine
18. Eat ginger
19. Eat fennel seed
20. Eat basil Leaf
21. Drink herbal Tea
22. Stay away from acidic foods
23. Organic Eating
24. Peppermint

For more information about acid reflux and how to get rid of it log on to:










Books On Natural Cures

1. Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure: Authors, Jamie Koufman, MD, Jordan Stern, MD, and French master chef Marc Bauer

2. Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About: Author, Kevin Trudeau

3. The Acid Reflux Solution A Cookbook and Lifestyle Guide for Healing Heartburn Naturally: Authors, Dr. Jorge E. Rodriguez, Susan Wyler, MPH, RD

4. Healthy Digestion the Natural Way: Author, Lindsey Berkson

5. Digest Alive the Natural Cure to Heartburn: Author, Acharya D. Hargreaves

6. Eat to Treat Acid Reflux: Authors, Kristie Leong M.D., and Apollo Leong M.D.

7. GERD & Acid Reflux Solutions. Your guide to prevention, treatment, cures, & relief!
Author, Howard VanEs

8. Heartburn Cured: Author, Norman Robillard Ph.D.

9. Tell Me What to Eat If I Have Acid Reflux---Nutrition You Can Live With: Authors, Elaine Magee and Anthony A., M.D. Starpoli

Posted By: Talibah Bakhit
Thursday, September 12th 2013 at 12:19AM
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